International WR Championship 2023
The first tournament of the International Wheelchair Rugby Polish Championship 2023 is over! Find out how it went!
On April 14 – 16 the first of four tournaments for the 2023 Wheelchair Rugby Polish Championship took place.
The matches were played in Arena Toruń, where 16 teams in the Paralympic WR4 formula and in the WR5 general formula fought for victory!
Teams from three countries competed against each other, including Poland, the Czech Republic and Sweden. The fight for the first place was incredibly exciting and fierce! The matches were played at a very high level.
The first place in the WR5 formula was taken by IKS Riders Mikołów. The WR4 formula was divided into three groups, of which the highest number of points was scored by: IKS Riders Arena, Flying Wings Rzeszów and Four Kings 2 Warsaw. Congratulations!
As usual, our technical team was present during the tournament to service the players’ wheels during the tournament. This was done in cooperation with the Polish Wheelchair Rugby Association. Due to the intensity of the games the service team from MBL had plenty to do!
We are happy to be a part of such events! It is a pleasure to work in such an environment and with such talented people!