We still support Ukraine

Corporate May 22, 2022

Unfortunatelly the war in Ukraine continues… MBL continues to help as much as possible by supporting Ukrainian families.

Thousands of people, who stayed in the country, have been suffering. Others have found refuge in Poland and in other European countries.

MBL continues to help as much as possible by supporting Ukrainian families living in Piotrkow and on a wider scale.

Due to MBL’s activity, we have been constantly approached by organisations that help Ukrainians with mobility impairments. Thanks to many years of cooperation with our customers and their generosity, we can help such organisations.

What we have been doing recently:

  • Together with one of our customers we donated 10 wheelchairs equipped with our components to the Ukrainian youth. The donation will be done via the Sulejow Town Hall to their partner comunee in Ukraine – Sławuta. We stay in touch with the representatives of Sulejow, because we know, further help is needed, especially when winter is coming. 
  • We conducted another fundraiser among our employees to buy the most needed clothes for one of the Ukrainian families living in Piotrków that is under care of the Association of Friends of Disabled Children and Youth called „Szansa”.
  • An Ukrainian girl – Melania – has received the new wheelchair adjusted to her needs thanks to support of one of our customer – Sunrise Medical.

We are aware that there are still many families and individuals in need. We will not stop helping!
Please feel free to contact us: marketing@mbl.pl